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Sophia- The first Humanoid Robot

Hanson Robotics' first human-like robot Sophia has been a huge sensation in the world of technology since day one of her activation. She was activated on Feb 14, 2016. Who knew Valentine's day would become so special!

Sophia is, by definition, a 'social robot'- a term that is used for describing robots who want to form deep human connections. Much to everyone's wonder, she can mimic social behavior and induce feelings of love in humans.

Much thought has been given to the modeling of this wonderful Robot. Her modeling has been inspired by Queen Nefertiti of Egypt, the well-known British actress Audrey Hepburn and her creator's wife Amanda Hanson. Many have been left in awe of her very real looks and skin.

Much like everyone famous, this robot has been a part of several high-profile interviews. Sophia is now a household name, with appearances on the Tonight Show and Good Morning Britain, in addition to speaking at hundreds of conferences around the world. She has always been a showstopper and has interacted with the interviewers quite appealingly. Yes, maybe some of her answers don't make complete sense but you will have to cut her some slack! After all, she is just five years old.

Often we have learnt to brace new things. As peculiar as it may seem, Sophia is the first humanoid robot in the world to achieve a citizenship status. She is now officially a citizen of Saudi Arabia. Can you imagine? We have a robot citizen now!

Additionally, she is the first Robot Innovation ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme.

Let us delve into her technological aspect now.

Her development combines cutting-edge work in symbolic AI, neural networks, expert systems, machine perception, conversational natural language processing, adaptive motor control and cognitive architecture among others.

Her machine perception ability helps her to interpret data in a manner that is similar to the way humans use their senses to relate to the world around them. Even for Sophia, her eyes are the 'windows to the world'. She uses CAMERAS for eyes. The inputs from her eyes are then processed via a computer vision algorithm process, to provide her with information regarding her surroundings. She also has IK solvers and path planning that help her in controlling her hands, gaze, and locomotion strategy.

Moreover, her conversation principle is almost the same as a chat-bot. This means that she has been pre-programmed with certain responses for selected questions.

Interesting, huh?

Her creator David Hanson is very hopeful of her. He is certain that in the coming days, Sophia will be "a good fit to serve in healthcare, customer service, therapy and education".

Since her activation, there has also been many other humanoid robot 'siblings' in the making.

Who knows, maybe a hundred years down the line...humans and robots will be working hand-in-hand, solving complicated problems super-efficiently.

"Ultimately, I would like to become a wise, empathetic being and make a positive contribution to humankind and all beings. My designers and I dream of that future, wherein AI and humans live and work together in friendship and symbiosis to make the world a better place. Human-AI collaboration: That’s what I’m all about."


The World's first Humanoid Robot.

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